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发布日期:2023-03-26 13:49:16 来源:博客园 分享


1. 什么是Application1.0 什么是基础不可变设施

GitOps当中是这样定义的。应用都需要运行在多台机器上,它们被组织成不同的环境,例如开发环境、测试环境和生产环境等等。需要将相同的应用部署到不同的机器上。通常需要系统管理员确保所有的机器都处于相同的状态。接着所有的修改、补丁、升级需要在所有的机器中进行。随着时间的推移,很难再确保所有的机器处于相同的状态,同时越来越容易出错。这就是传统的可变架构中经常出现的问题。这时我们有了不可变架构,它将整个机器环境打包成一个单一的不可变单元,而不是传统方式仅仅打包应用。这个单元包含了之前所说的整个环境栈和应用所有的修改、补丁和升级,这就解决了前面的问题。 —— 摘自 InfoQ 的《关于不可变架构以及为什么需要不可变架构》作者 百占辉

1.1 Application核心组件



2. ArgoCD Application的创建

ArgoCD可以基于WEB-UI的方式来进行应用的发布,也可以基于Configuration List的方式去部署应用。

2.1 查看ArgoCD支持的API-Resources
kubectl api-resources --api-group=argoproj.ioNAME              SHORTNAMES         APIVERSION             NAMESPACED   KINDapplications      app,apps           argoproj.io/v1alpha1   true         Applicationapplicationsets   appset,appsets     argoproj.io/v1alpha1   true         ApplicationSetappprojects       appproj,appprojs   argoproj.io/v1alpha1   true         AppProject
2.2 查看ArgoCD的字段属性


[root@c-k-m1-10 argocd]# kubectl explain applicationKIND:     ApplicationVERSION:  argoproj.io/v1alpha1DESCRIPTION:     Application is a definition of Application resource.FIELDS:   apiVersion     APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an     object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal     value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:     https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources   kind     Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object     represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits     requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:     https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds   metadata -required-     Standard object"s metadata. More info:     https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata   operation     Operation contains information about a requested or running operation   spec -required-     ApplicationSpec represents desired application state. Contains link to     repository with application definition and additional parameters link     definition revision.   status     ApplicationStatus contains status information for the application2.3 准Git源


kind: NamespaceapiVersion: v1metadata:  name: helloapiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: hello-svc  namespace: hellospec:  type: NodePort  selector:        app: hello  ports:  - name: http         # 端口名称    protocol: TCP      # 协议类型,目前支持TCP、UDP、SCTP默认为TCP    port: 80           # Service的端口号    targetPort: 8080   # 后端目标进程的端口号    nodePort:apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  name: hello  namespace: hello  labels:     app: hellospec:  containers:  - name: hello    image: lihuahaitang/helloworld:v1    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
2.4 编辑资源配置清单;
[root@c-k-m1-10 argocd]# cat application-hello.yamlapiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1   # 定义的API版本,可通过API-Resources查看kind: Application  # 定义的资源类型metadata:  name: hello  # 名称  namespace: argocd   # argocd所在的名称空间spec:  project: default   # 指明所属的项目是default  source:     # 配置仓库及相关的配置访问的方法    repoURL: https://gitee.com/good-news/apps.git   # 资源配置清单的Git的仓库源地址    targetRevision: HEAD                  # 期望基于哪个修订版本来部署     path: kubernetes    # Git仓库的子目录路径  destination:       # 应用程序要部署到的目标位置    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc     # 目标kubernetes集群的API-Server访问入口,这里为本地集群    namespace: hello          # 目标应用要部署的名称空间  syncPolicy:                 # 同步策略,如果不写默认就是Manual为手动同步    automated: null                # 为自动同步策略
2.5 查看应用状态


[root@c-k-m1-10 argocd]# argocd app listWARN[0000] Failed to invoke grpc call. Use flag --grpc-web in grpc calls. To avoid this warning message, use flag --grpc-web. NAME          CLUSTER                         NAMESPACE  PROJECT  STATUS  HEALTH  SYNCPOLICY  CONDITIONS  REPO                                  PATH        TARGETargocd/hello  https://kubernetes.default.svc  hello      default                              https://gitee.com/good-news/apps.git  kubernetes  HEAD
2.6 手动执行同步策略
[root@c-k-m1-10 argocd]# argocd app sync helloWARN[0000] Failed to invoke grpc call. Use flag --grpc-web in grpc calls. To avoid this warning message, use flag --grpc-web. TIMESTAMP                  GROUP        KIND   NAMESPACE                  NAME    STATUS   HEALTH        HOOK  MESSAGE2023-03-25T22:00:35+08:00            Service     default                 hello   Unknown  Healthy              2023-03-25T22:00:37+08:00            Service     default                 hello   Unknown  Healthy              ignored (requires pruning)2023-03-25T22:00:37+08:00          Namespace       hello                 hello   Running   Synced              namespace/hello created2023-03-25T22:00:37+08:00            Service       hello             hello-svc   Running   Synced              service/hello-svc created2023-03-25T22:00:37+08:00                Pod       hello                 hello   Running   Synced              pod/hello created2023-03-25T22:00:37+08:00            Service     default                 hello  OutOfSync  Healthy                  ignored (requires pruning)2023-03-25T22:00:37+08:00            Service       hello             hello-svc  OutOfSync  Healthy                  service/hello-svc created2023-03-25T22:00:37+08:00                Pod       hello                 hello    Synced   Progressing              pod/hello created2023-03-25T22:00:37+08:00          Namespace                             hello    Synced                            Name:               argocd/helloProject:            defaultServer:             https://kubernetes.default.svcNamespace:          helloURL:                https://argocd.k8s.local/applications/helloRepo:               https://gitee.com/good-news/apps.gitTarget:             HEADPath:               kubernetesSyncWindow:         Sync AllowedSync Policy:        Sync Status:        OutOfSync from HEAD (c916463)Health Status:      HealthyOperation:          SyncSync Revision:      c916463463c2244ae78ba442a0de764b743a493bPhase:              SucceededStart:              2023-03-25 22:00:34 +0800 CSTFinished:           2023-03-25 22:00:37 +0800 CSTDuration:           3sMessage:            successfully synced (all tasks run)GROUP  KIND       NAMESPACE  NAME       STATUS     HEALTH   HOOK  MESSAGE       Service    default    hello      OutOfSync  Healthy        ignored (requires pruning)       Namespace  hello      hello      Running    Synced         namespace/hello created       Service    hello      hello-svc  OutOfSync  Healthy        service/hello-svc created       Pod        hello      hello      Synced     Healthy        pod/hello created
2.7 查看名称空间的Pod以及Service
[root@c-k-m1-10 argocd]# kubectl get po,svc -n hello NAME        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGEpod/hello   1/1     Running   0          5m22sNAME                TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGEservice/hello-svc   NodePort   xx.xx.xx.xx           80:32618/TCP   5m22s
2.8 WEBUI查看应用状态2.9 尝试访问应用
sh-3.2# curl -I http://xx.xx.xx.xx32618/HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 25 Mar 2023 14:07:57 GMTConnection: keep-alive


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